News Worthy
“Success isn’t just about what you accomplish in your life, it’s about what you inspire others to do.”
North Fork Valley Visitors Guide
May 2024
“Visiting the farm is an immersive experience, nourishing your senses and inspiring wellbeing.”
Montrose Business Times
September, 2023
Elevation Tea Steeped in Fresh, Local Taste
“After considering a variety of alternatives of business uses for their land, herbal tea rose to the top as its shelf-stable and sold in small quantities. Also, there are few herbal teas companies using locally sourced ingredients and is market growth opportunity as Coloradoans seek healthy beverage options.”
February 20, 2023
Elevation Mountain Grown Herbal Tea - Shannon Ullmann
“My customers, ultimately, the people who share and drink my teas, are each a unique story that has come to a place where they value and are inspired by my own story. As such, I feel a deep connection with each of my customers.”
“I think that one can often overlook the moment one decides to make a change. Inherent in that decision are perceived risk, uncertainty, and self-doubt. My biggest accomplishment as a small business owner is starting.”
Shoutout Colorado
December 6, 2022
Meet Shannon Ullmann | Herbal Tea Farmer & Founder of Elevation Mountain Grown Herbal Tea
“Eleanor Roosevelt said ‘Do one thing, every day, that scares you.’
I think they way that an entrepreneur approaches challenges has everything to do with their success.
Challenges are inevitable.
How do you craft the right logo? Who is your target market? What is the right website platform?
The way I approach each day’s challenge is with curiosity. Not with resentment.
I am here to learn. As I do so, I will start to gain a more accurate perspective of what works for my brand and business and what doesn’t.
I “GET” to learn how to manage employees.
I “GET” to create and maintain my own website.
Lucky me!
I will have both successes and failures in my entrepreneurial journey. But BOTH are of great value if I choose to learn from both.”
Delta County Independent
Written by Joan Chambers. November 6, 2019
Garden Club Makes Final Road Trip of the Year
“After Ullmann’s presentation, members were busy for quite some time deciding on what teas to purchase - some to give as holiday gifts - and others for their own consumption as a reminder of our wonderful afternoon at this amazing facility, run by an amazing young lady and her husband.”
Edible Aspen
Written by Laurel Miller. December 3, 2018
“Thanks to a new company called Elevation Mountain Grown Herbal Tea, Hotchkiss is now home to a tea farm.”
Delta County Independent
Written by Emy Lynn Roque Cisneros. November 20, 2018
Entrepreneurial spirit ~ drink it in!
“Ullmann was shocked to find that while other local tea companies existed in Colorado, many imported ingredients. Ullmann's focus is on everything local and natural”
Grand Junction Daily Sentinel
Written by Joe Vaccare. October 21, 2018
"Tea drinkers have a new Western Slope option for herbal beverages thanks to Elevation Mountain Grown Herbal Tea."