Your Mugs
“A cup of tea is an excuse to share great thoughts with great minds.
-Cristina Re”
We love to see the many places our customers drink our tea! Whether on a mountain peak or snuggled up in front of your favorite book.
Send us your mug shots! Tell us what you love! We’ll share them with the world!
“Hi Shannon-
I’m thankful for you and the delicious Lands End tea as I work this morning!
May 2025 be a wonderful year for you!”
“It’s that time of year again to cozy up with your favorite book and some amazing tea! If you guys have not tried Elevation Tea you are missing out! Made by our very own Shannon Schakel Ullmann 💜”
“My mugshot includes something from all of the “Golden Triangle” towns of Crawford, Hotchkiss and Paonia. I first tried Elevation Tea at Lazy J coffee shop in Crawford. In the photo, I’m enjoying a cup of my favorite Elevation Tea Anthracite Creek Blend on my back deck facing Needle Rock in a mug by Rebecca Corona, purchased at her Grapevine Gallery in Paonia. Of course, the tea is from Hotchkiss!”
“My furniture may be dusty, and my couch full of laundry, but my girl is enjoying a cup of beautiful Maroon Bells Blend with me in the morning sunlight, and we left your beautiful farm yesterday with a little bit of the love that you show for your amazing product and process.”
“Hi Shannon! Wanted to thank you again for sharing your tea samples with us! We are really enjoying them! Your packaging on the tea bags gave us BIG SMILES today!”
“I spontaneously decided to listen to a recording of my very best friend playing her harp, so I made a cup of tea, lay down on the floor in front of my wood stove with a favorite inspiring small figurine, set my tea cup on the corner of the wood stove as a “cup warmer”, and snuggled into heaven.”
“In Patagonia we also drink tea...”
…on my Amtrak train ride to Northern California.
Your vision and manifestation of a wonderful product is delicious and inspiring.
Wishing you and your family the best of everything!
“Enjoying your tea! I had strep throat last week and have been able to just drink tea! Especially teaching I need the tea to help my throat!”
“So much tea,
So little time
Not enough hours in the day
They all sound so sublime”
It’s always nice to take a friend along with you on whatever journey you choose.... I’m find myself on a new adventure and I’m thankful my favorite tea can come along with me! . Thank you to my friend
Elevation mountain grown herbal tea
for making a delicious herbal tea that just hits the spot.
When I have a morning that begins with my time with the Lord then I know I am set to battle anything that comes my way today! Prayer is so powerful! Let me know in the comments how I can pray for you today! And also I love this cup! But I am no longer a coffee drinker, I am a tea drinker!! @elevationherbaltea Thank you for creating such delicious and meaningful tea! I always get excited to try a new tea from the sample pack and to read what you have put on the packets!! I love them all! Today’s tea of choice is Ragged Mountain blend! 🤤❤️👏🏻
This tea with steamed milk really hit the spot on such a dreary day while I have a cold. I know that combo doesn’t appeal to everyone, but the tea flavor is amazing. Thanks Shannon @Elevation Mountain Grown Herbal Tea
I ordered my first order of tea yesterday and Lightening fast shipping!! I received my first order of tea today! Now enjoying that first amazing cup of tea and it is fantastic!!
If you ever get a chance to go to #hotchkisscolorado, I suggest you stop over at @elevationherbaltea and give their barn a good sniffing... #bestsmellingbarnStand amazed at what this family built #byhand #together. Shannon and her Husband Craig are outstanding, kind and make a heck of a good tea.
It is the perfect evening to enjoy some Elevation Herbal Tea!
Snow falling ❄️❄️...
Supper done...
Good book waiting...
Favorite worn shirt...
This is Maroon Bells, a classic Colorado blend, but then they ALL are! :)
Have you tried Elevation Tea yet? What is your favorite blend?
You might have a tea problem when…
ready for my tea tour!
Started my morning out with a delicious cup of the uncompahgre blend!
Malware code + Maroon Bells Blend
Yummy tea, Shannon. It was made with love and it shows.
Kenny and I just had our first cup of Grizzly Creek Blend-non stevia. It is so delicious and calming with it’s blend of chamomile, pear and mint! We are so proud of our niece, Shannon and her family!
Oh yum 😍
My little splurge at Berg Harvest yesterday...worth every penny! I'm so happy for Shannon and this amazing fulfillment of all her dreams and hard work.
About to enjoy some amazing tea from an amazing little store! I can not wait to try every flavor!
-Laura Sue
Enjoying a hot cup of @elevationherbaltea on this cold Tuesday. Work is a bit sweeter thanks to my friend
oh no! my second box of tea is empty! i’ll be going to Wintle & Co tomorrow. It’s delicious and it’s actually down to a cool 73-degrees this morning!
I was so excited to get this just in time for a needed afternoon pick-me-up. I’m convinced this tea could get me through even the Mondayest of Mondays!
thought you would like to see where I last had some Elevation Tea this weekend.
I loved the Filoha meadows blend. You can smell the strawberry as you bring your cup up for a sip...beautiful combo with the lavender. I also like that the stevia adds a sweetness so I don't need honey, but it doesn't overwhelm.
A little treat after finishing homework.
Totally enjoying my lavender, lemon, strawberry this morning! Thanks for the awesome gift!
“Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.”
“Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.”