The Space Between
"Life is the space between our things."
-Claude Debbusy
The space between Christmas and New Years...
And the world takes
There is a stillness. No?
Do you feel it?
Are you catching your breath?
I am.
And, as I do, I am appreciating
The Space Between
Focal Point
Mountain bikers and tree-skiers know: Don't focus on the trees, focus on the space between.
There is something magical...
About looking down my rows of plants.
*perhaps it is the light in the space between them*
In this "Space-Between" season I feel beckoned:
Soften my gaze.
Let it drift away from the obstacle.
Alight on the space, the light, between.
*just a moment*
Between each of my rows of pineapple sage, there is a path.
A space.
A way through.
A beautiful focal point.
Where the light leads the way.
Stimulus - - Response
"Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our happiness." -Victor Frankl
Steep Times Vary
The perfect flavor?
Is up to you.
The longer you allow?
The the more the comfort & peace saturates the water in your teacup.
Space Between Stimulus and Response
Is never wasted.
It is filled with:
Our freedom
Our power
To choose
Small Words Filling Vast Spaces
"The most important words in all languages are the small words.
They are words that are easy enough to say and which fill vast empty spaces." -Paulo Coelho
My Very Small Words:
Take up
A great deal
More space
In my heart
Than they do
In this e-love letter.
Fills a great deal of space in any heart, no?
Dear Tea-Drinker,
My blessing to you and myself this month, May We:
Shift our focus from our obstacles to the space between, the light, the way through.
Expand the space between stimulus and response. Make space for our freedom and power to choose.
Offer small words that take up vast space.
Mine: Thank You, Dear Tea-Drinker
As always:
Thank you
I'm honored to be your herbal tea farmer.
Be well,