The Language of Flowers

“I was enchanted to learn that in Victorian Britain, when some feelings could not be openly spoken of...the 'language of flowers' (floriography) was highly developed. By sending particular flowers, or combinations of flowers, it was possible to send almost any message."

-Jane Goodall, Seeds of Hope

We give flowers to comfort sick loved ones.
We hold flowers in marriage ceremonies.
We scatter flower petals on the caskets of our departed and
We offer bouquets at their headstones.

Each variety brings a unique memory or message to its recipient.

What is your favorite?
What meaning do different flowers bring to you?

This month: The messages I have received from my flower ingredients and an encouragement.

to the
Language of Flowers

Hibiscus: Inspire
Of all my ingredients, hibiscus flowers impact the color of my teas most.

And the color, crimson, is beautiful.

Do you know someone who infuses beauty, color, like that?
Who inspires you?

Like hibiscus,
there are those who inspire me... create & share beauty.

When I am with them, they...


as they share their thoughts & ideas.

And I, in turn, do the same:

inspire others
*thank you, hibiscus, for teaching me how to inspire & be inspired*

Anise: Courage
Colorado’s growing season is too short,” they told me.
It’s roots are too tender to thrive,” I read.
I don’t like licorice flavor,” they say.

So many reasons not to try Anise.

But the seeds spoke: be courageous, bravegive us a try.
And, you know what?My Anise thrives

And when the flavor skeptics sip my Anise blend, Sunlight Peak, their courage is also rewarded.

So many have looked at me with surprised smiles and say:“I’m so glad I tried. I love this!”*thank you, Anise, for reminding me to be courageous*

Lavender: Welcome
Lavender: familiar & beloved, no?
For me, lavender prompts me to welcome.
How so?

The Annual Lavender Festival

Last year we participated in our first Lavender Festival.

We welcomed hundreds to our farm to share:+ tea + music
+ views

Join us!
You are so very welcome.
*thank you, Lavender, for showing me the blessing of welcoming others*

As an herbal tea farmer I am learning:
Flowers Speak a Unique Language

Chamomile + Echinacea + Yarrow
Hold such meaning for me now.

What meaning do certain flowers hold for you?
How do flowers deepen moments...
Walking in nature.
Sharing milestones.
Honoring memorials.
What messages do they convey to you?

As always:

Thank you

I'm honored to be your herbal tea farmer.

Be well,

Shannon Ullmann