How a Garden Grows
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“If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden.”
–Frances Hodgson Burnett
It's Seed Season
Walk into any store and they greet you.
Few things bring me more joy.
Imagine what new plants I will befriend this year!
*be honest, Cimmeron Seed Co.'s Wildflower Seed packet in this photo just make you smile, right?*
On my farm, there is simply no more optimistic time than spring.
The idea...
Becomes a plant...
Becomes an ingredient...
Becomes your tea...
Becomes a beautiful moment...
Oh The Potential!
Imagining Future Beauty
"To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow."
-Audrey Hepburn
"Why so optimistic about 2023?"
"I think it will bring flowers!"
"How do you know?"
"Because I'm planting flowers."
In truth, every garden (my farm included) starts as a vision of potential, no?
A gift.
To our future-selves...
Beauty & Bounty
*message from your future-self: Thank You!*
Trusting the Seed
“What lies behind us & what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Each tiny seed has within it...
The Coat: Impermeable to the elements. Then it opens. And lets those elements in: rain + sunlight.
Its timing: Perfect.
The Reserves: A nest-egg. Ready to yield everything when called upon.
The DNA: Nature-perfected data storage.
The miniscule... which contains forests.
As an herbal tea farmer, I am learning... the tiny often holds the infinite.
As do we.
Letting them Grow
"As a garden grows, so shall the gardener"
Growing plants are fascinating to me.
Letting them proceed is a gift.
When I observe my plants I see:
What a Gift We Give...
Ourselves & those we love when we simply observe growth with curiosity, trust and wonder.
As I prepare for my own planting season, I am relishing my feelings of anticipation.
Each plant I prepare just for you, dear tea-drinker.
It's so exciting to think:
What beautiful future moments...
Of peace and calm...
YOU will enjoy...
From this seed I plant...
In this present moment?
As always:
Thank you
I'm honored to be your herbal tea farmer.
Be well,