Labor of Love
“To find joy in work is to discover the fountain of youth.” -Pearl Buck
What are they doing?
"I'm stacking rocks," replies the laborer.
"I'm building a wall," replies the employee.
"I'm constructing a building," replies the contractor.
"I'm creating a cathedral, in which souls will bow in reverence and meet the divine,"
Replies the Artist
What am I doing?
Picking herbs? No.
I am nurturing life... tending, sustaining, sharing, encouraging.
What are you doing?
Preparing meals? Changing diapers? Writing reports? No.
You are laboring in love.
I'm learning, no matter your "title", each task we perform has exactly the value, purpose and dignity that we choose to give to it.
Every labor can be love.
"In truth, the work itself is the adventure. And no artist could go about this work (or would want to) with less than extraordinary energy and concentration." -Mary Oliver
Treasure Hunter.
That is what I am.
The day begins.
And I love to greet it with a sense of...
What treasure will I find today?
And why not greet each day with this mindset?
I love to labor with wide-eyed curiosity.
"Tell me, what do you plan to do with your one wild, precious life?" -Mary Oliver
"Water doesn't TRY to flow. It just flows." -Deepak Chopra
Have you ever been lost in a task?
Your pen crafts a poem with ease and pleasure...
Your brush transfers color to canvas for hours that seem timeless...
Your string vibrates releasing harmony and beauty...
You sip tea, dance, sing, speak, create...
And it is Effortless.
Without being told, the peppermint saturates the hot water in my teacup.
And I am nourished by it's sharing.
I am certain that "flow" is an indication of purpose.
Flow Turns Labor into Love.
"I know there is nothing better for people than to be happy and do good while they live. That each of them may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all their toil. This is the gift of God." -Solomon, Ecc. 3:12-13
Solomon is considered to be among the wisest men in ancient history.
Solomon's advice:
So, it seems that my Joy is a gift of God.
Satisfaction in my toil.
And so... I choose to
"drink it in"
A divine gift.
My labor of love.
"Do small things with great love"
-Mother Teresa
Dear Tea Drinker,
As you celebrate this day of labor, my blessing is that you spend every day laboring with love.
Sip your tea.
Eat your fill.
Find satisfaction in all you do.
As always:
Thank you
I'm honored to be your herbal tea farmer.
Be well,